(Full day seminar)

This full-day training will focus on each individual’s personal responsibility as it relates to resolving conflict, improving interpersonal communication, and overall dynamics around creating greater levels of understanding & collegiality with every encounter. This would be an initiative that would benefit the entire organization, as the subject matter transcends title, position or levels delegated authority.


At the completion of this training, participants will be empowered with the ability to:

  • Understand the role they play in perpetuating conflict, and why facts don’t convince people to alter their behavior
  • Leverage the “Be – Do – Have” model for greater self-reflective analysis
  • Become aware of five (5) definitions that impact conflict
  • Evaluate how our own behavior can get us what we “don’t want” in conflict
  • Learn two (2) questions for personal responsibility for resolve
  • Discover two (2) “ways of being” when confronted with conflict
  • Practice three (3) models of assessing conflict and the decisions that lead to best resolutions